Thursday, September 1, 2011

Does the Government need to create jobs?

This is an appropriate topic for Labor Day Weekend. This is an important holiday and we should all celebrate the American workers for the long hours they put in at their jobs. Their hard work and dedicated service is important to preserving our way of life. It is through their hard work that we prosper and grow as a nation. We should also take this time to consider all those Americans out of work that are earnestly looking for jobs.

As a True Fiscal Conservative I do not believe we can solve our long term financial problems unless we lower the unemployment rate. All True Fiscal Conservatives agree with this. We may differ on the best way to accomplish it, but everyone agrees we need to lower the unemployment rate.

People that believe the government should just stay out of the private sectors way and let them create all the jobs are being short sighted. They are not dealing with the reality we are currently facing. Corporations are sitting on a mountain of cash and making record profits. There is no incentive for them to change what they are doing. They are in business to make a profit and will and should act accordingly. The reason they are not hiring many people right now is because they can create all the product that is currently demanded with their existing work force. While they would love to sell more, so they can grow and hire more people, they are in chicken and the egg scenario. No company is going to put their profits at risk to kick start the economy.

Recessions are cyclical, they happen; it is a part of the capitalistic system. The government can and should mange them, to try and prevent them from developing into a more serious depression. While we need to look at ways to get rid of our long term accumulation of debt, that is a long term issue that will only become worse if we do not get more people back to work. In this scenario a jobs program is warranted. Any jobs program should be limited in duration and designed to get as many people back to work as quickly as possible.

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