Saturday, November 19, 2011

Congress and the Super Committee will fail unless we raise our voices.

It is time for the sensible people to stand up and be counted. The supper committee will fail unless we are heard. There are a lot of angry people on both the far left and far right. They both have some valid points. We have run up to much debt but we have also allowed to great of an imbalance in the distribution of wealth in our nation. Our problems were created over years and can not be solved simply or quickly. Getting us on the right track and correcting these imbalances will take hard work and co-operation. We swang to far right when the Republicans dropped the ball and squandered the first surplus we had in decades. The economy was in a shambles when this administration took over. Instead of concentrating on the Economy to much time was spent on the health care bill. People were upset and then we swang to far left in the next election putting the far right in control. They are more interested in shrinking the government at all cost than anything else, and this is hurting our economy even more.

Balancing the budget is a long term process. For all those arguing about the country’s fiscal problems it is all of our faults. Both the Democrats and Republicans are to blame. More importantly the voters, particularly the sensible voters in the middle that let the extreme elements take over. We need to stop these huge swings of the political pendulum and work together. Too many people dismiss the extreme elements as crazy and don’t think they can get their representatives elected. But they did. They are will organized and vote religiously. To the right if you really want a balanced budget look at the last time we had one. The Democrats were in control. (Clinton). Bush passed the tax cuts that go a long way toward contributing to the current mess. Revenue increases has to be part of the equation. Are accumulated deficit is not just a spending problem, it is also a cutting taxes problem. To the left, we can not give away unlimited social security, Medicare or welfare. There have to be limits and we as nation need to make tough choices and decide what those limits are. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. You need to do more than post comments online. If you want to be part of the solution check out the pledge at If we all sign the citizen pledge, it will force the politicians to sign the politician pledge and we the people will get the country back on the right track by forcing both sides to come together.