Read the Pledges for Citizens and Politicians

Thank you for viewing this page. After you have a chance to read the pledges please vote in both polls. Citizen pledge poll on right side bar, Politician pledge poll on the bottom of the page.

 Citizen Pledge

I pledge to exercise my right and responsibility to vote in both the primary and general elections. I pledge not to support or vote for any candidate that has signed any pledge or made any promise that will prevent them from making the tough decisions needed to make sure out country is fiscally sound. I will only support and vote for candidates that promise to keep an open mind and agree to consider all options. I will only support or vote for candidate that have toned down their rhetoric and have demonstrated an ability to work with all interested parties and compromise when necessary to put forth legislation that will not only pass, but work towards solving our long term financial issues.

Politician Pledge

I promise to consider all options and use all tools available to me to make the difficult choices required to make the country in fiscally sound. I will seek guidance from those more knowledgeable than me in economics and will not make my decisions based solely on the guidance of my political advisers. I will work with all others that have a similar goal in mind regardless of political affiliation. I will do so even if it puts my re-election at risk. I repudiate any prior pledges I made and I promise to sign no other pledges that in any way tie my hands and prevent me from considering all options to bring our fiscal house in order. I make this pledge freely and fairly to demonstrate that I have the best interest of the country at heart and to demonstrate that I will keep an open mind when helping to shape the future of our country.

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