Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is the Republican Party doomed to fall apart?

The Republican Party and the country are doomed if they do not wake up quickly. No I am not talking about their stance on social issues. I am talking about know what it means to be a True fiscal conservative. While it is clear most people don't want to get rid of the deficit by only raising taxes, a clear majority of Americans believe in a balanced approach.  All credible economists have said we can not balance the budget without a balanced approach. Cutting spending and raising revenue are the only way we can get our deficit under control. What will doom the Republican Party is their irresponsible pledge of no new taxes. Last poll I saw indicated almost 70% of Americans agreed with the idea of letting the Bush tax breaks for those making over $250,000 expire. This is not really raising taxes, it is just letting them go back to where they were the last time we had a balanced budget. It will happen anyway if congress does not act, so the Republicans really do not have a bargaining chip on this issue other than to threaten the destruction of our economy and blow up the deficit even more. A lot more damage to the economy will be done, not to mention the country and the Republican Party if they do not wake up on this issue. If Romney had just acknowledged this reality he would have won the election hands down.

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