Thursday, August 18, 2011

True Fiscal Conservative

What is a true fiscal conservative?

A true fiscal conservative is someone that believes that over the long run you need bring in more revenue than you spend. It does not mean you have to balance the budget each and every year. If everyone balanced their budget every year, very few businesses would be created or expanded and very few people would ever be able to buy homes. It is okay to borrow to invest if what you are investing will provide a higher rate of return than the interest you pay on the loan over the log term.  Sometime you have to invest to grow. You save in the good years and you dis-save in the bad years.

That being said you need to invest wisely and you can not continue to pile on debt without ever paying some of it down.

So now our country is in a bind and we can not solve the problem by placing blame for what got us here, especially when there is plenty of blame to go around, and we the people never held our elected officials accountable. We must move forward.

We the people need to figure out how to move forward.  We need to elect true fiscal conservatives.  A true fiscal conservative would look at all options to put out fiscal house in order  So any of our politicians that have made a pledge not to cut social security or not to raise taxes, are not true fiscal conservatives and can not do their job. It is okay for them to say they are for more government or less government but it is not okay for them to call themselves fiscal conservatives unless their primary goal is to put our financial house in order, no matter what that takes.

The only pledge a true fiscal should ever sign is the following pledge.

I promise to consider all options and use all tools available to me to make the difficult choices required to make the country in fiscally sound. I will seek guidance from those more knowledgeable than me in economics and will not make my decisions based solely on the guidance of my political advisers. I will work with all others that have a similar goal in mind regardless of political affiliation. I will do so even if it puts my re-election at risk. I repudiate any prior pledges I made and I promise to sign no other pledges that in any way tie my hands and prevent me from considering all options to bring our fiscal house in order. I make this pledge freely and fairly to demonstrate that I have the best interest of the country at heart and to demonstrate that I will keep an open mind when helping to shape the future of our country.

If you agree with this pledge please click the like button and share it with your friends.

 We the people should not vote for anyone that signs any other pledges or makes any other promise that predetermines how they will vote when the tough decisions are made. Their job is to weigh all the options and make those tough decisions. In our form of democracy that requires compromise which can not be accomplished if we elect people that have already told you they will not compromise.

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